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Series VIII: Research

 Series — Multiple Containers

List of Folders

The folders in this series are labeled as follows:

Aberra, Amsale - Bridal Fashion

Acconci Studio - Exhibitions, Environments

Adams, Connie - Fashion

Adams, Constance

Adri (Adrienne Steckling) - Fashion

Aebersold, Jane Ford (1941-) - Ceramics

Aiello, Susan - Industrial Designer

Albers, Anni (1899-1994) - Design, Weaving, Graphics

Albert, Danita - Graphics

Allen, Elsie (1899-1990) - Weaver

Alesina, Inna - Products

Alexander, Lois

Alexander, Ronna

Alexander, Sandra - Textiles

Algotsson, Sharne - Interiors

Allard, Linda - Fashion

Von Allesch, Marianna - Lighting, Ceramics, Wallpaper

Van Alstyne, Jayne - Industrial Design

Ameen, Tracy - Ceramics

Amos, Emma - Weaver

Anderson, Gail - Graphics

Anderson, Joyce - Furniture

Anderson, Lee - Fashion

Anderson, Win - Textiles

Anderson, Laura (1902-) - Ceramics

Andersson, Maja - Textiles

Armstrong, Margaret - Stained Glass

Austin, Wini - Quilts

Bach, Anita Stewart - Interiors

Bailey, Xenobia - Hats

Baker, Sandy - Jewelry

Baldon, Cleo - Interiors, Gardens, Products, Furniture

Baldwin, Pamela - Interior Design

Balkan, Adele - Costume

Ballerino, Louella - Fashion

Balmori, Diana - Landscape Design

Barnes, Jhane - Fashion, Textiles, Furniture

Barnes, Muriel - Textiles

Barnum, Frances - Metals

Barrano, Heather - Products

Barry, Barbara - Interior Design

Bauer, Lou Ann - Product / Interiors

Bauer, Patti - Ceramics

Baumiller, Marta - Product Design

Journal Interviewer - Beggsmith - Lorance, Loretta

Bausman, Karen - Architecture

Belding, Emily - Textiles

Beggsmith, Renee - Jewelry

Belville, Louise

Boeri, Cini - Industrial Design, Furniture

Boin, Whitney - Jewelry

Boland, Barbara - Art Direction

Bojesen, Kay - Crafts

Bothwell, Dora - Wallcovering

Bondie, Edith - Basketry

Bowdwin, Phyllis - Jewelry

Bowers, Maud (1932-) - Industrial Design

Bowles, Janet Payne

Boyd, Nancy - Ceramics

Boye, B.

Von Brandenstein, Patrizia - Film Production

Bendelari, Mary - Textiles

Bender, May - Industrial Design

Bennison, Jane - Ceramics

Berke, Deborah - Architecture

Bernstein, Aline - Stage Designer

Berlin, Ruth - Interior Design

Berry, Kathryn McGraw - Interior Designs

Bertoni, Christina (1945-) - Ceramics

Besse, Hedde - Product Design

Bester, Idabel - Quilts

Bethel, Carrie - Baskets

Billard, Lisa - Graphics

Billops, Camille (1934-) - Ceramics, Graphics, Film

Bilson, Carole - Product Design

Bitar, Helen - Textiles

Blache, Alice Guy - Film

Black, Lisa - Graphics

Baskin, Agnes - Furniture

Blair, Mary - Exhibition Design, Art Direction

Blumenau, Lili - Textiles

Brastoff, Sascha - Ceramics

Brauer, Wendy - Green Design

Braverman, Sylvia - Fashion Illustrator

Breschi, Karen (1941-) - Ceramics

Bressand-Kibwe, Kim - Interiors

Brewster, Suzi - Fashion, Textiles

Van Briggle, Ann - Ceramics

Brilanti, Ana Nunez - Ceramics

Brooke, Ellen - Fashion

Brown, L. Cora - Metals

Brown, Leslie - Ceramics

Brunschwig, Zelina - Textiles

Bryan, Ashley - Graphics

Brynner, Irena (1917-) - Jewelry

Buchman, DAna - Fashion

Buckner, Audrey - Textiles

Bullard, Elizabeth

Burgasser, Joan - Furniture

Bush-Brown, Lydia - Textiles

Butler, Frances (1940-) - Textiles, Graphics, Gardens

Buzio, Lydia (1948-) - Ceramics

Cabat, Rose - Ceramics

Caan, Betsy - Fashion

Cable, Margaret Kelly - Ceramics

Cambridge, Sara - Graphics

Campbell, Jeanne - Fashion

Carhartt, Elaine (1951-) - Ceramics

Carleton, Carolyn - Carpeting

Carman, Nancy (1950-) - Ceramics

Carnegie, Hattie (1889-1956) - Fashion

Carson, Jane - Metals

Carter, Fern - Rugs

Carter, Ruth - Hollywood

Carter-Ayres, Cheryl - Ceramics

Casey, Jacqueline - Graphics

Cashin, Bonnie (1915-) - Fashion

Cauman, Rebecca - Ceramics

Celentano, Linda - Products

Chambers, Donna - Jewelry

Chapman, Ceil - Fashion

Charles, Barbara Fahs - Graphics and Exhibitions

Chase, MArgo (1959-) - Graphics

Chicago, Judy (1939-) - Ceramics

Chilewich, Sandy - Product Design

Choo, Chungi (1938-) - Product Design

Cianciolo, Susan (1969-) - Fashion

Claiborne, Liz (1929-) - Fashion

Clapp, Carrie - Baskets

Clarke, Julie - Interior Design

Claydon, Marian - Textiles

Van Cline, Mary - Glass

Clodagh - Interiors, Carpeting, Lighting

Close, Judy Ringel - Product Design

Coffin, Marian Cruger (1876-1957) - Landscape

Cohn, Mardi Jo - Products

Cole, Jill I. - Interiors

Coleman, Muriel - Interiors

Collins, Ruth - Furniture

Colter, Mary Elizabeth Jane

Condak, Henrietta - Graphics

Conger, Cornelia - Interiors

Cooke, Betty (1924-) - Jewelry

Cookman, Helen - Fashion

Cooper, Kyle (Woman?) - Graphics

Cooper, Muriel (1926?-1994) - Graphics, Books

Copeland, Jo - Fashion

Corzine, Nancy - Furniture, Textiles

Cosonas, Dorothy - Textiles

Counal, Lucille - Set Design

Craver, Margret - Metals

Crawford, Elsie

Crawford, Martha

Crawford, Mary Ann Elizabeth

Criss, Helen - Interiors

Croce, Isabel - Interior Design

Cudlipp, Thelma - Graphics

Cully, Jacqueline Peters - Textiles

Currier, Anne C. (1950-) - Ceramics

Dache, Lilly

D’Arcy (White), Barbara - Interiors

Dat so la lee (Louisa Keyser)

David, Marlene - Interior Design

Davis, Martha - Lighting

Davis, Ruth Danielson - Textiles

Dawson, Priscilla - Ceramics

Dawson, Velma - Ceramics

De Bretteville, Sheila Levrant - Graphics, Interiors

Deepa - Textiles

Delattre, Yvonne - Textiles

Delisle, Roseline (1952-) - Ceramics

De Patta, Margaret - Jewelry

De Wolfe, Elsie (1865-1950) - Interiors

Dennis, Pamela - Jewelry

Dent, Cheryle - Interiors

African Home, Inc. - Dent, Cheryle & Bressant-Kibwe, Kim - Interiors

Derby, Jane - Fashion

Derespinis, Lucia - Interiors, Textiles, Graphics

Diamond, Freda - Glassware, Tableware, Furniture, Lighting

Dickerson, Joyce - Packaging

Dillon, Diane - Graphics

Dobson, Isabell

Mrs. Dodd, Inc. - Interiors

Donaldson, Alice - Textiles

Doner, Michele Oka

Dorazio, Virginia - Painter

Dorn, Marion (1896-1964) - Textiles, Wallpaper, Interiors

Dressel, Frannie - Textiles

Dryden, Helen - Textiles

Drysdale, Mary Douglas - Interiors

Dubin, Elisha - Exhibitions and Interiors

Duckworth, Ruth (1919-) - Ceramics, Sculpture

Dukowick, Maria - Hollywood Production Design

Duncan, Augusta - Quilts

Dunphy, Rebecca - Interiors

Eakins, Elizabeth - Carpeting

Eames, Ray and Charles

Eames, Lucia - Sculptor

Earle, Alice Morse (aka Alice Morse) - Bookbinder

Eckhardt, Barbara - Weaver

Eckhardt, Edris (1907-) - Ceramics

Ehrmann, Marli - Textiles

Eikerman, Alma - Jewelry



Engel, Sue - Industrial Design

Engle, Barbara - Jewelry

Eno, Jennifer - Textiles, Interiors

Erb, Ruth - Textiles

Erickson, Karen - Jewelry

Ericsson, Celeste - Graphics

Eschbach, Jane - Textiles

Ezell, Nora - Quilts

Falkenstein, Claire - Wallcovering

FAnnin, Dotty - Weaver

Farrand, Beatrix Jones (1872-1959) - Landscape Architecture

Farrar, Felicia - Fashion

Felton, Frances - Metals

Fendelman, Judith - Graphics

Feves, Betty - Ceramics

Fili, Louise - Graphics

Fisch, ARline (1931-) - Jewelry

Fischer, Phyllis - Textiles, Metals

Fletcher, Sally - Ceramics

Fogarty, Anne (1919-1980) - Fashion

Forst, Florence - Ceramics

Fosdick, Marion - Ceramics

Fox, Sally Vreseis - Inventor - Cotton

Frackelton, Susan S. G. (1848-1932) - Ceramics

Frank, Mary (1933-) - Ceramics

Frank, Sarah Charlton - Fashion

Franklin, Sylvia (1909-1955) - Fashion

Frankenthaler, Helen (1928-) - Ceramics

Freund, Elsa (1912-) - Jewelry

Frey, Viola (1933-) - Ceramics

Frimkess, Magdalena Suarez (1929-) - Ceramics

Frischmuth, Harriet W. - Metals

Fritz, Virginia - Graphics

Fry, Laura Anne (1857-1943) - Ceramics

Funai, Carol - Textiles

Von Furstenberg, Diane (1946-) - Fashion

Gallagher, Louise Barnes - Fashion

Gardner, Isabella - Interior Decoration, Patron

Garnett, Eleanora - Fashion

Garratt, Sandra (1951-) - Fashion

Gaw, Elizabeth Eleanor D’Arty - Metals - Interiors Decorations

Geller, Marion - Furniture

George, Sophia “Sophie” - Beadwork

Gerth & Gerth

Gieling, Imogene Bailey - JEwelry

Gilbert, Karen - Jewelry

Gill, Elizabeth Andrea (1948-) - Ceramics

Glennie, Ruth - Automobile Design

Godley, Lyn - Industrial Design

Goldfarb, Roz - Industrial Design

Goldsmith, Mary (1910-) - Ceramics

Gonzalez, Nancy - Fashion Accessories

Gorman, Pat (Woman?) - Graphics

Gottlieb, Lois - Furniture

Graham, Michele - Graphics

Grant, Mary - Ceramics

Gralrich, Lisa - Jewelry

Grasten, Viola - Textiles

Gray, Myra Mimlitsch - Metals

Green, Paula - Graphics

Green, Sheila - Graphics

Greene, Isabell - Landscape

Greene, Jennie - Textiles

Gregory, Mary - Furniture

Greiman, April (1948-) - Graphics, Technology

Greiman, April - Graphics

Grossman, Greta - Furniture, Lighting

Grotell, Maija (1899-1973) - Ceramics, Glass, Products

Guermonprez, Trude (1910-) - Weaving

Guido-Clark, Laura - Textiles

Gutek, Rachel - Graphics, Product Design

Hagler, Rosalind - Graphics

Hafner, Dorothy (1952-) - Ceramics

Haire, Hazel - Fashion

Hampton, Holly

Hall, Faye - Fashion

Handy, Mary - Quilts

Haraszty, Eszter (1910-) - Textiles, Clothing, Interiors

Hardwick, Cathay (1933-) - Fashion

Hare, Meredith - Interiors

Harlem Textile Works - Textiles

Harman, Karen - Fashion

Harp, Holly - Fashion

Harrington, Nellie - Fashion

Harris, Georgia - Ceramics

Harris, Martha Jane - Textiles

Harris, Sylvia - Graphics

Harris, Virginia - Quilts

Haskell, Miriam - Jewelry

Hawes, Elizabeth - Fashion

Hawkins, Laurie - Architecture, Digital Design

Hay, Caroline - Metals

Hays, Joan - Graphics

Hayes, Cecil

Head, Edith (1897-1981) - Film Costumes

Heath, Edith - Ceramics

Heilbrunn, Lotte - Graphics

Heino, Vivika Timeriasieff (1909-) - Ceramics

Heisel, Sylvia (1963-) - Fashion

Mme. Helene - Fashion

Hendricks, Geneveive - Interiors

Van Hentz, Eta (Mme. Eta) - Fashion

Hernandez, Edith - Furniture

Hernmarck, Helena (Maria) (1941-) - Weaving, Tapestries

Herrera, Carolina - Fashion

Hesh, Linda - Metals, Jewelry

Het Heru, Kaitha - Weaver, Ceramicist

Hicks, Sheila (1934-) - Textiles

Hiersoux, Catherine - Ceramics

Higgins, Frances (1912-) / Michael - Jewelry, Glass

Hill, Evelyn - Textiles

Hill, Michelle - Textiles

Hinkle, Kathryn - Textiles

Hinterwirth, Annette - Lighting

Hipp, Catherine - Fashion

Histia, Mary - Ceramics

Hoffman, Pola - Interior Design

Holm, Lillian - Textiles

Holloway, Charnelle - Metals

Holt, Sylvia - Interiors

Home Couture - Textiles

Melanie Printup Hope - Graphic Design (Native American)

Horn, Carol - Fashion

Hould-Ward, Ann (1954-) - Costume

House, Toni - Interiors

Housman, Esther Webb - Exhibition Designer

Hu, Mary Lee - Jewelry

Hughes, Susan - Ceramics

Hughto, Margie (1944-) - Ceramics

Hunn, Florence Ely - Interior Design

Hunt, Holly - Interior Design

Van Der Hurd, Christine - Carpeting

Husted, Betty - Glass

Hutchins, Grace Hyman - Interiors

Hutchison, Margaret - Interior Design

Igonda, Carmen Nordsten - Interior Design

Imrey, Celia - Exhibitions, Environments

Irene - Fashion

Ingraham, Elizabeth Wright (1923?-) - Architect

Ireys, Alice Recknagel - Landscape

Irvine, Sadie (1887-1970) - Ceramics

Isani (1966-) - Fashion

Iskiew, Catherine - Jewelry

Israel, Margaret

Jackson, Mary A. - Baskets - African-American)

Jemison, Roberta - Quilts

Jerman, Lisa - Costume Design

Johnson, Betsey - FAshion

Johnson, Margo - Graphics

Johnson, Patsy - Interiors

Johnston, Ynez - Graphics

Jones, Anna Rachjel Russel (1902-1995) - Textiles

Jones, Lois Mailou (1905-) - Design, Painting

Kahane, Melanie - Interior and Product Design

Kahn, Lyda Weyl - Textiles

Kamali, Norma (nee Arraez) (1944-) - Fashion (American-Lebanese)

Kane, Carol

Karan, Donna - Fashion

Karasz, Ilonka - Wallpaper

Karasz, Mariska - Textiles

Karlan, Gertrude - Jewelry

Kasher, Cecilia Vitas Volcoff - Furniture

Kavanaugh, Gere - Interiors, Products

Keefe, Tammis - Textiles

Keichline, Anna Wagner (1889-1943) - Architect, Inventor

Kemenyffy, Susan - Ceramics

Kenny, Anne Marie - Quilts

Kenyan, Betsy - Furniture

Kepes, Juliet - Textiles

Kerbis, Gertrude, Lempp - Architecture

Kerman, Staci - Product Designer

Kern, Ellen - Textiles

Kidogo - Graphics

Kilham, Teresa - Textiles

King, Linda - Interiors

King, Muriel - Fashion

Kingsley, Susan - Jewelry

Kinoshita, Linda - Fashion

Kipp, Maria - Textiles

Kirkpatrick, Marie (1900-) - Furniture Designer

Klein, Anne (1923-1974) - Fashion

Klotz, Florence (1920-) - Stage and Film Costumes

Knecht, Gabriele (1938-) - Fashion

Knight, Mary - Metals


Knoll, Florence [F. Schust Knoll Bassett] (1917-) - Textiles, Architect, Interiors, Furniture

Kobayashi, Jane - Graphics, Furniture

Koblick, Freda - Product

Kobylarz, Jenifer - Graphics

Kogan, Belle

Koos, Vivian - Metals

Kostellow, Rowena Reed - Product Design

Kozloff, Joyce (1942-) - Ceramics

Kraus, Anne (1956-) - Ceramics

Krebs, Jan - Automobile Design

Kriegman, Carolyn - Jewelry

Krizek, Katherine - Industrial Design

Krohn, Lisa

Kuhr, Barbara - Graphics

Kurtz, Martha - Graphics

Kutner, Gerda - Ceramics

Kutner, Karen - Products

Labarre, Gertrude - Ceramics

Ladd, Dawn - Lighting

La Porta, Tina - Graphic Design

Landis, Deborah Nadoolman - Hollywood Costume Design

Lane, Carol - Art Direction

Larkin, Anya (1945-) - Textiles

Larson, Margaret - Graphics

Laverne, Estelle and Erwine - Textiles, Furnishings

Lawrence, Sandra - Interiors

Leak, Viola Burley - Textiles

Lee, Dorinne Mei - Furniture

Lee, Joanna (1937-) - Jewelry

Lee, Olga (aka Olga Lee Baughman) - Textiles

Lee, Sarah Tomerlin - Interior Design

Leefe, Miriam - Textiles

Lehman-Smith, Debra - Interiors

Leiber, Judith (1921-) - Fashion

Le Marie, Eleanor

Leser, Tina - Fashion

Levine, Marilyn (1935-) - Ceramics

Levitt, Ruby - Set Decoration

Lewin, Cheryl - Graphics

Lewin, Susan Grant

Lewis, Diane - Architecture

Lewis, Sally Sirkin - Interiors, Products

Lewis, Lucy M. - Pottery (Native American)

Liberman, Tatiana Du Plessix - Fashion

Licko, Zuzana (1961-) - Typography

Liebes, Dorothy (1899-1972) - Textiles

Lilli Ann - Fashion

Lin, Maya - Furniture

Lincoln, Elizabeth Neave - Ceramics

Lipper, Carol - Graphics

Lobell, Jeanine - Cosmetics

Lohmeier, Helen - Metals

Loloma, Otellie - Ceramics

Long, Randy - Ceramics

Longworth, Maria aka Maria Longworth Nichols Storer - Ceramics

Longyear, Sandra - Automobile Design

Lowe, Ann - Kennedy Wedding Dress

Love, Gaye - Packaging

Lucas, Mary - Quilts

Lucas, Rubie (Kesiah) Booker - Ceramics

Lugo, Nancy Youngblood - Pottery

Lustig Cohen, Elaine (1928?-) - Graphics

Luther, Mabel - Jewelry

Lynford, Ruth - Interiors

Lyons, Susan - Textiles

Lyoshir, Marilyn (1950-) - Ceramics

McCardell, Claire - Fashion

McCarty, Marlene (1957-) - Graphic Design

McCluskey, Ellen Lehman - Interior Design

McCoy, Katherine (1945-) - Industrial Design, Graphics

McCurry, Margaret - Architecture, Furniture

McDonald, Margaret Helen - Ceramics

McFadden, Mary (1938-) - Fashion

McKay, Laurie - Furniture

McKee, Judy - Furniture

McKie, Judy Kensley - Furniture

McKnight, Katherine - Graphics

McLaughlin, Mary Louise (1847-1939) - Ceramics, Carving, Metals, Painting, Printmaking

McLennan, Emily - Lighting

McVey, Leza Marie (1907-) - Ceramics

McVicker, Julia (1906-) - Textiles

Maag, Joan - Textiles

Mack, Peggy Ann

Macomber, Eva - Ceramics

Madden, Patty - Wallpaper

Maddox, Eva - Interiors

Madsen, Kristina - Furniture

Makela, Laurie

Magnusson, Emannela Frattini - Furniture

Mahony-Griffin, Marion - Architecture, Interiors

Manderfield, Ellen - Industrial Design

Mann, Jean - Ceramics

Marcasiano, Mary Jane (1955-) - Fashion

Margraf, Zella - Jewelry

Margrill, Anita - Landscape

Maria - Ceramics

Marker, Joan - Graphics

Marks, Roberta B. (1936-) - Ceramics

Marshall, Beulah Watkins - Quilts

Marson, Sharon - Graphics

Martinez, Maria (1884-1981) - Ceramics

Maruyama, Wendy - Furniture

Mathews, Lucia (1870-1955) - Product Design

Mayeri, Beverly (1940-) - Ceramics

Mazloomi, Carolyn - Quilts

Mazyck, Maggie - Basketry (African-American)

McLelland, Nancy - Wallpapers

Maxton, Mary - Quilts

Medina, Isabel - Ceramics

Meiere, Louise

Meier, Hildreth

Meister, Jan - Packaging

Melandri, Michele - Product Design

Melze, Dorothy - Graphics

Mendez, Rebecca - Graphics

Mergentime, Marguerita - Textiles

Merrill, Sharon - Ceramics

Miller, Cheryl - Graphics

Miller, Frances T. - Interior fabrics, Textiles

Miller, Louise Klein (1854-1943) - Landscape Architect

Miller, Mary Jo - Textiles

Miller, Nicole (1952-) - Fashion

Mills, Claudia - Weaver

Milwaukee Handicraft Project - Textiles

Minkowitz, Norma - Fashion

Miranda, Altina Schinasi - Eyewear

Mitchell, Anna B. - Pottery (Native American)

Moeslinger, Sigi - New York City Subway Cars

Moja, Januwa - Costumes

Monteil, Germaine - Fashion

Montgomery, Evangeline (1933-) - Jewelry, Metals

Moonelis, Judsy (1953-) - Ceramics

Moore, Debora - Glass

Moore, Hellyn R. - Sculpture

Moore, Isabelle - Ceramics

Morgan, Julia (1872-1957) - Architect

Morse, Alice - Bookbinder

Moty, Eleanor - Jewelry

Mount, Jane - Graphics

Mower, Mary - Arts and Crafts

Munn, Carrie - FashionMurphy, Mary - Textiles, Contemporary

Musser, Tharon (1925-) - Stage Lighting

Natori, Josie Cruz (1947-) - Fashion

Natzler, Gertrud Amon (1908-1971) - Ceramics

Navone, Paola - Furniture

Neff, Vera Odeyne - Ceramics

Nessim, Barbara - Graphics

Nevelson, Louise (1900-) - Ceramics

Newton, Clara Chipman (1848-1936)

Nichols, Maria Longworth (1849-1932)

Nicholson, Laura Foster - Textiles

Nielsen, Kay - Graphics

Northrop, Agnes (1857-1955) - Window Designer

Norton, Edith - Furniture

Noyes, Marion Anderson - Metals

Oakley, Violet (1874-1916) - Book Design

Odegard, Stephanie - Carpeting

O’Hara, Dorothy Warren - Ceramics

Ohanian, Grace - Textiles

Olson, Lee - Textiles

Orrick, Mildred - Fashion

Overbeck, Hannah Borger (1870-1931) - Ceramics

Outland, Lurecea - Quilts

Ovesey, Regina - Graphics

Owens-Hart, Winnie - Ceramics

Paddock, Laura - Ceramics

Paladini, Muriel

Pankowski, Gina - Jewelry

Paray, Lucille - Fashion

Parish, ?

Park, Helen - Textiles

Parnis, Mollie - Fashion

Partanen, Alice - Textiles

Patou, Jean (1887-1936) - Fashion

Patterson, Nancy - Ceramics

Paul, Marion - Interior Design

Peaches - Quilts

Pearson, Sina - Textiles

Pedlar, Sylvia (1901-1972) - Fashion

Penington, Ruth - Jewelry

Pepper, Betty - Product Design

Pereira, Irene Rice - Weaver

Peretti, Elsa - Jewelry, Metals

Peri, Eve - Textiles

Perkins, Molly Coolidge - Carving

Perkins, Nancy - Industrial Design

Perriand, Charlotte (1903?-) - Furniture, Interiors

Perry, Mary Chase (1867-1961) - Ceramics

Peterman, Nancy - Product Design

Peters, Jacqui

Phillips, Mary Walker - Textiles

Picasso, Paloma

Pillin, Polia - Ceramics

Pineles, Cipe (1908-) - Graphics

Piper, Rose - Greeting Cards, Textiles

Plummer, Ethel - Graphics

Pollins, Helene - Automobile Design

Ponca, Wendy Kimberly - Textiles

Porset, Clara - Furniture

Porter, Carol - Graphics

Power, Nancy Goslee & Assoc. - Landscape Architecture

Powers, Harriet (1837-1911) - Quilts

Preston, Jessie - Metals

Price, Alice - Fashion

Prindiville, Mildred - Interior Design

Querze, Elissa - Graphics

Radakovich, Ruth Clark - Product Design

Rady, Elsa (1943-) - Ceramics

Rae, Christine - Exhibition Design

Rahlson, Lydia - Textiles

Ramsey, Cheri - Graphics

Ramsey, Constance - Weaver

Randall, Ruth - Ceramics

Rapson, Shirle - Textiles

Rask, Jenny - Graphics, TV Advertising

Ray, Carolyn - Wallpaper

Raymond, Eleanor - Architect

Raymond, Naomi - Textiles

Reed, Ethel - Graphics

Reese, Tracy - Fashion

Reeves, Ruth (1892-1966) - Textiles

Rehm, Wilhelmina - Ceramics

Regny, Jane - Fashion

Reiss, Henriette - Textiles

Reiss, Winold - Interior Design

Renk, Merry (1921-) - Jewelry, Metals

Resnikoff, Florence - Glass

Restivo, Mary Ann - Fashion

Reuss, Edith Marie - Fashion

Revor, Sister Mary Remy - Textiles

Reynolds, Mary (1891-1950) - Books

Riggs, Lutah Maria - Gardens, Sets, Graphics

Riley, Cheryl - Interiors

Riley, Grace (1905-) - Costume Designer

Riley, Judith Reichel

Robineau, Adelaide Alsop (1865-1929) - Ceramics

Rohde, Peggy Ann - Industrial Design

Ricchio, Linda - Furniture

Rice, Jacqueline Ione (1941-) - Ceramics

Rice, Mary Kellogg - Textiles

Ringgold, Faith - Quilts

Ritchie, Cordelia (“Aunt Cord”) Everidge - Baskets

Roach, Ruth Schirmer - Jewelry

Robbins, Carrie (1943-) - Stage Designs

Robinson, Madeline - Packaging

Roehm, Carolyne - Fashion

Roehm, Mary - Ceramics

Rogers, Betty - Quilts

Rogers, Margaret - Jewelry

Rohrer, Diane - Furniture

Rojas, Ronnie - Graphics

Rose, Helen (1908-) - Fashion

Rose, Penny - Costume Design

Rosene, Caroline Gleick - Jewelry

Rosenstein, Nettie - Fashion

Rosenthal, Halina - Interiors

Ross, Marie Medora - Ceramics

Roth, Ann - Stage and Film Costumes

Rottet, Lauren - Textiles, Carpeting, Furniture

Rowland, Pleasant - Dolls

Rowley, Cheryl - Interiors

Ryan, Dez - Lighting

Ryan, Mary - Ceramics

Roth, Susan - Graphics

Ryther, Martha - Textiles

Saar, Betye - Sculpture

Saarinen, Lily Swann - Landscape

Saarinen, Loja (1879-1968) - Textiles, Carpets

Sacker, Amy - Book Designer

Sachs, Gloria - Fashion

Salomon, Judith (1952-) - Ceramics

Sakiestewa, Ramona - Textiles

Sampe-Hultberg, Astrid - Textiles

Sax, Sara - Ceramics

Sauer, Peggy - Automobile Design

Saunders, Constance - Fashion

Schaefer, Bertha - Furniture

Schamberg, Mabel - Interior Design

Scheier, Mary Goldsmith - Ceramics

Scher, Paula - Graphic Design

Scherr, Mary Anne - Jewelry

Schima, Joanne - Furniture

Schindele, Dorothy - Furniture

Schmid, Eleonore - Graphics

Schmidt, Denyse - Contemporary Quilts

Schnaidt, Margaret - Ceramics

Schnee, Ruth Adler - Textiles

Schnurer, Carolyn (1908-) - Fashion

Schoenfeld, Laure - Textiles

Schoop, Heidi - Ceramics

Schwarcz, June - Ceramics

Scott, Elizabeth T. - Quilts

Scott, Joyce (b. 1948) - Jewelry

Scott, Joyce J. - Quilts

Scott, Geraldine Knight - Landscape Design

Scovill, Cora - Interior Design

Seymour, Alice - Floorcovering

Shannon, Alice L. - Jewelry

Sharaff, Irene (1910-) - Stage and Film Costumes

Shaver, Elise - Ceramics

Shaw, Josephine Hartwell - Jewelry

Sheerer, Mary Given (1865-1954) - Ceramics

Shurtleff, Jill - Product

Siegel, Barbara Upshaw - Textiles

Siegel, Hazel - Textiles

Silver, Anna (1935-) - Ceramics

Simmons, Elinor - Fashion

Simmons, Jilly - Graphics

Simon, Vicki - Carpeting

Simpson, Adele (1904-1995) - Fashion

Simpson, Annette - Fashion

Simpson, Coreen - Jewelry

Simpson, Ruth - Interior Design

Singer, Saida - Exhibitions, Environments

Sitterle, Trudi - Ceramics

Sloane, Courtney - Interiors

Smith, Lisa - Products

Sobotka, Ruth - Art Direction

Solberg, Ramona - Jewelry

Somerson, Rosanne - Furniture

Somerville, Catherine - Quilts

Sonwai - Jewelry

Sophie of Saks - Fashion

Soros, Betty - Costume Design

Spade, Kate - Fashion

Spear, Laurinda - Architecture, Furniture, Products

Spellman, Michele - Graphics

Spets, Anki - Glass, Textiles

Spiers, Beulah - Interior Design

Stafford, Helen - Interior Design

Starr, Ellen Gates (1859-1940) - Book Design

Steele, Zulma - Furniture

Stephenson, Susanne G. (1935-) - Ceramics

Stockton, Ann - Ceramics

Storer, Maria Longworth aka Maria Longworth Nichols Storer - Ceramics

Strasen, Kristie - Textiles

Strasser, Dharma - Ceramics

Stratton, Mary (1867-1961) - Ceramics

Straub, Marianne - Textiles

Streat, Thelma Johnson (1912-1959) - Jewelry, Textiles

Stromeyer, Gisela - Architecture, Lighting

Strengell, Marianne (1909-) - Textiles, Interiors

Stubbs, Jane

Sui, Anna (1955-) - Fashion

Sussman, Deborah - Fashion

Swain, Barbara Madden - Ceramics

Swainson, Anne (1900-1955) - Product Designer

Swan, Simone - Architecture

Swanson, Pipson - Textiles

Swid, Nan - Products

Takaezu, Toshiko (1929-) - Ceramics

Tam, Vivienne - Fashion

Tarkowski, Christine - Wallcoverings

Tawney, Lenore (1907-) - Weaving

Taymor, Julie - Theater, Costume, Scenery Design

Telles, Lucy (late 1870s-1956) - Baskets

Tenazas, Lucille - Graphic Design

Thayer, Peggy - Fashion

Thome, Beverly - Textiles

Thompson, Linda - Textiles

Thorpe, Dorothy - Glassware

Tick, Suzanne - Carpeting, Textiles

Tidball, Harriet - Textiles (primarily a historian)

Tillet, D.D. - Textiles

Tolbert, Betty - Quilts

Toledo, Isabel (1961-) - Fashion

Topper, Vera - Ceramics

Dorothy Torivio - Pottery

Torrence, Mrs. Kenneth - Interior Design

Trigere, Pauline (1912-) - Fashion

Trout, Dorothy - Textiles

Troy, Hannah - Fashion

Tucker, Yvonne (1941-) - Ceramics

Turnbull, Gale - Ceramics

Uglav, Helena - Ceramics

Underwood, Patricia - Fashion (millinery)

Unger, Kay (1945-) - Fashion


Valentien, Anna M.B. (1862-1947) - Ceramics

Valentina - Fashion

Vanderbilt, Suzanne - Automobile Interiors

Vass, Joan - Fashion

Vassil, Pamela - Graphics

Vera - Textiles

Victor, Sally

Vignelli, Lella (Elena) - Furniture, Interiors, Graphics, Products

Vitow, Ruth - Lighting

Vittadini, Adrienne (1944-) - Fashion

Vogel, Florence - Interior Design

Von Nessen, Greta (1900-1978) - Lighting

Wahl, Wendy - Textiles

Wakeley, Amanda (1962-) - Fashion

Walker, Alice - Quilts

Walker, Joset - Fashion

Wallace, Denise - Jewelry

Rae Jean Walking Stick - Quilts

Wang, Iris - Textiles

Wang, Vera - Fashion

Warashina, Patti (1939-) - Ceramics

Watkins, Mildred - Metals

Watson, Lynda - Jewelry

Wayne, June (1918-) - Tapestry, Painting, Printmaking

Weeber, Marion (1905-) - Industrial Design

Weiner, Reba - Textiles

Weinzapfel, Jane - Architecture, Interiors

Weitzner, Lori - Textiles

Welles, Clara Pauline Barck (1868-1965) - Metals

Wells, Yvonne - Quilts

Westphal, Kathryn - Textiles

Wetzel, Lisa - Automobile Design

Wharton, Edith - Interiors

Wheeler, Candace Thurber (1827-1923) - Textiles, Interiors

Wheler, Margery - Furniture

Whitcomb, Kay - Enameling

Whitman, Sarah - Arts and Crafts

Whitney, Ginny - Jewelry

Whitney, Helen Beatty - Ceramics

Wickham, Nancy - Ceramics

Wieselthier, Valerie (1895-1945) - Ceramics

Wilcox, Elizabeth Harriet - Ceramics

Wild, Lorraine - Graphics

De Wilde, Barbara - Graphics

Wildenhain, Margarine (1896-1985) - Ceramics

Williams, Allison - Graphics

Willisch, Marianne - Textiles

Wilson, Fo - Graphics

Wilson, Marie - Quilts

Winokur, Paula - Furniture

Winter, Thelma - Ceramics

Wolf, Nina - Jewelry

Wood, Beatrice (1893-) - Ceramics

Wood, Esther - Metals

Woodman, Eliz. Abrahams (1930-) - Ceramics

Wooley, Ellamarie - Interior Sculptures

Worden, Nancy - Jewelry

Wright, Mary Einstein

Wright, Agnes Forster - Interiors

Wynne, Madeline Yale

Research - Native American

Research - African-American / Native American

Research - Pottery

Research - Miscellaneous 1

Research - Miscellaneous 2

Research - Miscellaneous 3

Research - Miscellaneous 4

Research - Quilts

Research - Reference - Women Workers in the Decorative Arts (Prather-Moses)

African-American Designers - Textiles

African-American Designers - Jewelry

African-American Designers - Reference

African-American Designers - General 1

African-American Designers - General 2

Basket Weaving

African-American Designers - Harlem

African-American Designers - Quilts 1

African-American Designers - Quilts 2

African-American Designers - Bibliographic Sources

African-American Designers - Bridal Fashion

African-American Designers - Education and Training

African-American Designers - Fashion 1

African-American Designers - Fashion 2

African-American Designers - Furniture

African-American Designers - Glass

African-American Designers - Graphics

African-American Designers - Harlem Renaissance

African-American Designers - Interiors

African-American Designers - Product Design

African-American Designers - Metalsmiths

Asian-American Designers - Furniture

Asian-American Designers - Graphics

Asian-American Designers - Interior Design

Asian-American Designers - Textiles

Latina Designers - Bridal Fashion

Latina Designers - Ceramics

Latina Designers - Education and Training

Latina Designers - Textiles

Latina Designers - Reference

Native-American Designers - Baskets

Native-American Designers - Dolls

Native-American Designers - Graphics

Native-American Designers - Ceramics

Native-American Designers - Jewelry

Native-American Designers - Reference

Native-American Designers - Regalia, Traditional Adornment

Native-American Designers - Textiles


Exhibition Themes - Advertising/Marketing

Exhibition Themes - Anonymity

Exhibition Themes - Arts and Crafts Movement

Exhibition Themes - Automotive Design

Exhibition Themes - Bridal Fashions

Byrdecliffe [Art Colony, Woodstock, New York]

Exhibition Themes - Carpet and Floorcovering

Exhibition Themes - Contemporary Designers 1

Exhibition Themes - Contemporary Designers 2

Exhibition Themes - Craft Revivals

Exhibition Themes - Design Traditions in “Traditional” Cultures

Exhibition Themes - Education and Training

Exhibition Themes - Emigrés

Exhibition Themes - Exhibition Design

Exhibition Themes - Fashion

Exhibition Themes - Faux Painting

Exhibition Themes - Furniture 1

Exhibition Themes - Furniture 2

Exhibition Themes - Glassware

Exhibition Themes - Graphics

Exhibition Themes - Greeting Cards

Exhibition Themes - Interiors

Exhibition Themes - Internet Design

Exhibition Themes - Jewelry

Exhibition Themes - Knitting

Exhibition Themes - Lesbian Designers

Exhibition Themes - Lighting Design

Exhibition Themes - Marriage

Exhibition Themes - Metalsmiths

Exhibition Themes - Newcomb Pottery

Exhibition Themes - Quilts

Exhibition Themes - Rookwood Pottery

Exhibition Themes - Sports

Exhibition Themes - Textiles

Exhibition Themes - Toys

Exhibition Themes - Training the Girl

Exhibition Themes - Wallpaper Design

Exhibition Themes - Women and Architecture

Exhibition Themes - Women as Patrons, Collectors, Tastemakers

Exhibition Themes - WPA (Works Progress Administration)

Exhibition Themes - World’s Fairs and Exhibitions

Academic - Non-Women/Non-USA Designers

Academic - Women’s Studies Resources

Industrial Design - Associations - Association of Women Designers

Industrial Design/Inventions - Associations - African-American Designers Association

Industrial Design/Inventions - Associations - American Lighting Association

American Society of Interior Designers

Industrial Design/Inventions - Associations - Furniture Society

Industrial Design/Inventions - Associations - Miscellaneous Furniture Associations

Industrial Design/Inventions - Associations - Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Associations

Industrial Design/Inventions - Associations - Industrial Design Society Association

Industrial Design/Inventions - Associations - National Kitchen & Bath Association

Industrial Design/Inventions - Associations - Textile Society of America

Industrial Design/Inventions - Department Stores - J.C. Penney

Industrial Design/Inventions - Department Stores - Kmart

Industrial Design/Inventions - Department Stores - Lord & Taylor

Industrial Design/Inventions - Department Stores - May

Industrial Design/Inventions - Department Stores - Montgomery Wards

Industrial Design/Inventions - Department Stores - Nieman Marcus

Industrial Design/Inventions - Department Stores - Sears

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Apple

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Black & Decker

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Cadillac

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Chevrolet

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Compaq

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Conair

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Coty

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Eastman Kodak

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Firestone

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - General Electric

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - General Motors

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Gillette

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Goodyear

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Hamilton Beach/Proctor-Silex

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - IKEA

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Johnson & Johnson

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Libbey, Inc.

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Maytag

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Oneida

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Procter & Gamble

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Ray-Ban

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Reebok

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Revlon

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Rubbermaid

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Saturn

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Sunbeam

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Swid Powell

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Tandy

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Texas Instruments

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - 3M

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Timex Corporation

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Toastmaster

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Tupperware

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Whirlpool

Industrial Design/Inventions - Manufacturers - Xerox

Industrial Design/Inventions - Museums - The Chicago Athenaeum

Industrial Design/Inventions - Museums - The Museum of African-American History

Industrial Design/Inventions - Museums - Museum of Modern Art

Industrial Design/Inventions - Museums - Wadsworth Athenaeum

Industrial Design/Inventions - Patents - Patent Law

Industrial Design/Inventions - Schools - Moore College of Art and Design

Race / Gender Dynamics / Women Designing for Women


Famous Daughters

“Intro” Intro

Working in Different Areas


Couple Collaborations

Mentors / Family / Parents

Research - Miscellaneous 5

Research - Miscellaneous 6

Research - Miscellaneous 4

African-American Designers - General 4

African-American Designers - General 5

Research - Graphic Design - General

Research - Resumes / CVs


  • Majority of material found in c. 1997-2000

Access Restrictions

Some materials may be restricted, such as files relating to private lenders or to object values (such as insurance forms). Please contact archives staff for details.


From the Series: 13 Linear Feet (7 record cartons and 10 manuscript boxes )

From the Series: 1.79 Gigabytes

Language of Materials

From the Series: English